Sunday, December 7, 2008

how to live in the NOW

Living in the moment takes some practice. I'm going to share the best way I know to get the mind and body to stay in the present. It is very powerful and I learned it back when I was a Brain Gym consultant. The process is called PACE. We will start with the letter "E" and work backwards to help you remember the process.

E is for ENERGY. Which equals drinking water.

Every part of the body needs water to live. Most people live in a dehydrated state. If you are thirsty it is an alarm going off that you are 1 litter low on your water level.

C is for CLEAR. So we are going to do what is called Brain Buttons

Brain Buttons are done by placing one hand over your belly button while the other hand stimulates pressure points between your ribs.These pressure points are located between the first and second ribs directly under the collar bones (clavicle) and to the right and left of your sternum. When you find the "sore spots" you know you are in the right place.

Your carotid arteries are under that points where you are rubbing. Which stimulates blood flow to the brain. Your hand that is placed on your navel is bringing awarness to the gravitational center of your body. Also creates a circut so that the increase of energy is flowing back into your system. This process helps clear the mind and keeps one focused.

A is for ACTIVE. So the active part of PACE is the CROSS CRAWL.

Which is a cross-lateral walking in place. So touch your right elbow and to your left knee and then your left elbow to your right knee. Do this activity slowly for best results. Do at least 40 cross crawls.

This movement is activating both right and left brain at the same time which allows communication to your whole body. Any time you feel stuck or out of balance....meaning you bump into something this activity will get you flowing again.

P is for POSITIVE. So the next Brain Gym movement we will do is called HOOK UPS.

You can do this one standing or sitting down. Start by placing one ankle over the other one. Doesn't matter which one. So your feet are crossed. Then cross your arms, thumbs down, and clap hands together...interlocking your fingers. Then bring your your hands up and in between to settle next to your heart. Now that you are in this position. Place your tongue on the roof of your mouth right behind your teeth. Then deep breathe. Stay in this position for at least 2 min. After the two min, uncross everything and then put your finger tips together. Keep them there until you feel the pulse sensation in all your fingers. Once they are all firing at the same are then complete.

This movement brings attention to the frontal lobes of the brain...and getting one out of the survival centers in the reptilian brain. So this exercise is the best one for when your stress levels are too high. Even though everything is still the same around you....with this movement you take yourself out of the situation.

That is PACE. It sounds simple and it is. It is very powerful! When I was learning this for the first time I noticed the shift...the peace....the focus. I also realized how quickly it would leave. So I would have to put myself back into PACE several times a day. I remember counting one time that I did it 56 times in one day. I stuck with it and noticed that doing PACE in the morning started lasting longer and longer. I realized that I never knew how to live in the present until I learned PACE.